In a comment I posted on Karl’s Substack yesterday, I proposed that we add the term “plausible believability” to the lexicon. Today’s post (with detailed drawing of the nuke in question) reinforces my belief in Pepe’s journalistic integrity. He believes in the reliability of his source while pointing out that all parties to this possible event are going to strenuously deny it ever happened. So what are info consumers like us to do? Go figger! (Remember “we report. You decide.” ?) Be of good cheer comrades! “The hour is darkest just before the dawn!”

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thanks richard.. i don't think anyone questions pepes integrity... the only question is has someone tried to tarnish is reputation with false info... and that is not a question that will likely be answered either, so the whole thing remains irrelevant for the most part... the part about iran and israel continuing with ongoing steps towards more war - i can't rule that out.. no one can... it might be the case too..

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LLM-derived tabular, visual, and textual breakdowns and summaries for the discussion of Seyed Mohammad Marandi, Alexander Mercouris & Glenn Diesen linked above:


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Maybe not a comment you want to discuss but I moved away from B's blog at MoA due to his zealot pushing of the bioweapon during Covid. It appears he now is paying the piper for his stance on the gene therapy with fears of a heart attack/stroke and a compromised immune system evidenced via infection. Germans bought the vaxx propaganda strongly and remain silent on Nord Stream. Shame.

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