Meanwhile, the bomb in the FED's balance keeps ticking.

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good overview richard! do you think a trump leadership would be even more crazy? trump-netanyahu, verses biden-netanyahu... both are kind of crazy...

i will share your post on moa.. cheers...

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Unfortunately I think you're right. I just watched the UK Parliament debate the Iranian response and except for George Galloway there were no condemnations of Israel having provoked Iran; rather just the usual ritual condemnations of Hamas (sponsored by Israel) and Iran.

I think Iran's response was measured and moderate, big enough to cause some pain, but small enough, and targeted toward military facilities to minimize civilian casualties (and thus avoid the maelström of outrage that would emanate from the EU and US). However, I think Israel wants to widen the conflict to deflect from its abject failure in Gaza, and to be sure the neocon/neolib factions are just gushing at the opportunity to take Iran down. Queue John Bolton, foaming at the mouth somewhere. Problem is, Russia has already warned the US that its involvement will bring Russia onside to protect Iran, and so we get WW3. How nice!

You may not be Biblical, Richard, but the Bible tells us Israel starts WW3, so this might be a good time for you and others to consider that.

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Good report.

I think the best way for Iz to get the Yanks on board kinetically is to mount a few ISIS attacks on US bases in the region.

If they counterattack into Iran, they have to fly over other nations airspace, presumably either Iraq or Saudi Arabia, both of which are now in BRICS+. Might not be so smooth a journey. Might not get permission even.

Interesting times.

Good Haaretz article. 'Israel has been defeated' https://archive.ph/Fc4nx#selection-723.0-723.14

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Apr 15·edited Apr 15

"There is no such thing as 'Israel dragging the US' into this war. The US is a full partner in it."

Absolutely. Why would the Biden administration not be lying this time?

Let us not forget, none of this would be happening had the US, UK and France not blocked a condemnation of the embassy attack at the UN.


"This is a 'rock and a hard place' problem that can only be solved with US involvement in the Lebanon invasion - OR a US attack on Iran on behalf of Israel."

OR the US could institute a no-fly zone over Israel. (No, I'm not going to hold my breath.) Like a parent restraining a child throwing a temper tantrum.

OR - there are probably lots of other ORs. And there are certainly other actors involved or potentially involved.

I do suggest that the child throwing a temper tantrum is an apt analogy. Some adult needs to restrain the child before he makes the mess. And often, in my experience, the child throws those tantrums because of poor parenting.


As to US being involved in yet-another-war.... That boggles the mind. The only reason I can see for that is a deliberate intention to throw the entire world into chaos. The US might think that gives it a winning hand because everyone else will have less. I dunno; the US fleet will be at the bottom of the sea but the global south and Russia and China will likely still be standing. Thank God.

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All the governments of the NATO and EU nations are crazy too.

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Your commentary is always welcome and appreciated RSH! Your logic is compelling- I’ll stop short of saying irrefutable- it might be - but I have to take the stance of “incurable optimist” as opposed to yours of “perpetual pessimist”. My take? The apartheid Jewish State of Israel- “stick a fork in it!” It’s done. Refrain from incapacitating Ben Gurion airport for a finite time to allow sensible citizens to emigrate- many already have dual citizenship - sad to admit that many of the “Ultra” Hasidim “settlers” are from large and fairly powerful Brooklyn congregations (strength in numbers- 6-10 children per family is the norm X multiple generations in the 20th century) and I’ve had various congregations as neighbors most of my life. They may choose martyrdom rather than leave…..oh well. Let Greater Palestine revert to those who have called it Home for the last millennium. I would favor a “carve out “ for Jerusalem as an Abrahamic holy land, jointly administered for the benefit of pilgrims to come, worship, and empower Peace on Earth as intended by the Creator. “You can say I’m a dreamer…….but I’m not the only one…..”

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Any American in charge played Game Theory?

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Great post, thanks. When my wife and I recently saw 'Dune 2' a week ago (out here in the west of Ireland, wow, our move from the US back to my home was well times), I said to her "I hope the Americans and Israelis all watch this film, because it'll prepare them for what's about to happen to them". Long before the current events, since reading JM Greer's piece from 2012 comparing Israel to the Crusader state Outremer, I've been wondering how long they could last. And prior to the last week, I'd have given them a chance of another 20 to 30 years. That's starting to seem unlikely now, and more than one analyst (including former US gov types) have put them in the 10 year range. Do you have an estimate? I think it'll be even sooner than that.

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Interesting points RSH. Allow me to suggest a different lens. These leaders are not primarily crazy or deluded, they are essentially a criminal enterprise. The US foreign and domestic policy since at least 1948 has been driven by a lawless and ruthless desire to create a world providing wealth and power to the oligarchic class.

To that end all tools of government and media are bent to narrative control. The Oligarch Cartel is agnostic to the truth. Lies and truth are just a tool to further the Narrative.

So, as regards Istael here, the Narrative is aimed squarely at persuadable audiences to promote and retain power. They are not deluded. They know bery well their limits but they will say anything to maintain the illusion in the minds of the gullible public.

There are many useful idiots of course and they are either whores or dupes. But the top level of oligarchs know full well the game being played.

So, in the end, this Western Criminal Enterprise only ends by a collapse of the system incapable of supporting their predations any longer or it ends like any criminal gang in a violent shootout of some kind. Either way...not optimistic.

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