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May 3
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Pepe discusses the BRICS finance ministers meeting and "de-dollarization" which occurred in Brazil while he was there in the video and his Strategic Culture article. Apparently they discussed cryptocurrencies.

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thanks for the update and all this richard... the alliance with iran, china and russia is very interesting here as i think it demonstrates a union of nations that are unwilling to be bent to the usa-uk ideology and agenda.. as for pepes commentary from earlier - again, it sounds as though we will have to wait and see if anything comes out on this..

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FWIW, Russia has within it's arsenal R-37 missile. It's hypersonic (Mach 6) and has a range up to 400 km. In 2022 (I think) it was used in Ukraine by a Su-57 to shoot down some Ukrainian airplane at around 400 km mark. Martyanov reported on it but now I can't find the video in the forest of videos he made. OTOH, F-35 can be seen by HF radars, such as every over-the-horizon radar ever. Now take a map, pick a point around the border of Iraq and Jordan and draw a circle with the radius of 400 km. You'll notice it gets *real close* to the Russian base near Latakia (or that general part of Syria). Basically, an Su-35 armed with an R-37 could hop up, either get vectored toward F-35 as seen by an OTH radar or else use it's own Irbis-E to find at 300-350 km and fire a pair of R-37. It doesn't need to get anywhere near US airforce. It's a similar story if you assume F-35 was shot down in central Iraq, although for that option the Su-35 will need to fire from central Syria. That may or may not be feasible, depending on US airplanes in the air at the time.

So, in general, this shootdown IS doable.

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PS: and if several Su-35 rise up and start scanning, they can spread out, network and probably find the F-35 from 400 km away all on their own, not requiring OTH radars.

We'll also ignore the option of them networking with Iran, Iraq, Syria or anything else.

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Yes, I remember that long-range shoot down in Ukraine.

There are any number of ways Russia could have done it: from inside Syria, from the Med from their warships, from aircraft, from S-400 air defenses, even from the Black Sea. It all depends on where the F-35 was. As I mentioned in my articles, according to Pepe's intel reports it occurred as the F-35 was leaving Jordanian airspace, so Syria and the Med are the two most likely locations which would implicate Russia forces in Syria or the Med.

I suspect, however, that if it did happen that Russia knew in advance of the F-35 takeoff from intelligence from within the Israeli government, as I mentioned in my articles.

I'll add that Pepe made a point in the video that the original source used its own intel assets to become aware of the incident, which he described as unexpected by everyone. This adds to my suspicion that it was the Chinese because, as I mentioned in the articles, China has a naval base in Djibouti at the far end of the Red Sea - perfectly placed to monitor everything going on in the area of Israel. They might have an OTH radar located there, which would make perfect sense in addition to SIGINT assets.

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> if it did happen that Russia knew in advance of the F-35 takeoff from intelligence from within the Israeli government

Makes perfect sense. A bunch of F-35 flying from Israel to Iran aren't necessarily important and don't warrant a shootdown in and of themselves. And you can't tell if they have nukes from a radar signature.

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Pepe Escobar is superb and you're absolutely right with your recommendation. I discovered Pepe and Michael Hudson on the now shut down Saker site. I've been an acolyte ever since.

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I too was first exposed to Pepe’s brilliant journalism at the Vineyard of the Saker - and many other first-rate writers- Paris based Ramin Mazaheri, employed by Iran’s Press TV springs to mind. He recently started his own Substack but back then he immersed himself in the Yellow Vest uprising providing a perspective and analysis of the protesters and the French government’s actions that only comes from someone with ’skin in the game’ and a socialist background. I would also highly recommend Naked Capitalism which often cross-posts articles and videos from Professor Hudson. The comments to the various posts are often lengthy, well informed and spirited- similar to the Saker but well-moderated with the ‘commentariat’ generally minding their manners. I was first exposed to our host RSH ‘mixing it up’ with the bar flies at Moon of Alabama - I was content being a ‘lurker’ and honing my skills at skimming past trolls and bullies. Karlof1 is another MoA regular whose Substack here focuses largely on Russian affairs- he and RSH often share viewpoints and opinions- the current topic of Pepe’s F-35 intel especially. I look forward to your future comments!

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"Based on the crap about his report I read over at Moon of Alabam and elsewhere by morons, I agree."

MOA appears to have recently attracted attention from hasbara agents. I'm sure Pepe has long been on their radar. So I tend to discard the "crap" as attempts to discredit one, the other, or a twofer.

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RSH, good follow-up sir.

We know something sketch happened, and the quadcopters launched locally by MEK certainly appear to be a component of a failed attempt of something larger. What it was aint fullly leaked, yet. I watched his interview with Danny when it came out and it was solid. I posted before iran launched anything that they'd be dealing with a destroyed airport and that "israel's" retaliation would fail miserably, I believe internal iaf actors were involved in it failing but we simply don't have the full debrief. Pepe definitely got wind of something true, details aside something shady was attempted.

Bless you brother. Keep posting, the world needs truth.

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And here's Pepe's latest column published today on the BRICS Defense Ministers' meeting he referenced in Danny's interview:

The Russia–Iran–China search for a new global security order


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