thanks richard.. it’s not a given a full fledged war.. if the crazies are in full control in the usa, then yes.. but it remains to be seen if this is fully true or not..

sp is retarded, not retared..cheers james

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You’ve managed to cut through all the BS rather nicely. I think you’re correct- Biden or more accurately the handlers with their hands inside the sock puppet corpse of Biden want war with Iran. One extra “tell” is the overt threat to hit oil facilities. That’s out of character for a political party facing an election in around 30 days. Normally they try to reassure and manage markets so as not to lose voters. Seems that the neocons just don’t care anymore - neither Trump nor Harris are going to stop this.

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That was obviously set up to murder Nasrallah and his team. The same stunt that they pulled on Suleimani.

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If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck…..

Mebbe it’s time to go duck hunting.

Question. If the ME oil fields get trashed - cui bono? I don’t think the Russians will complain but who else?

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Tricked into dying... I mean, wouldn’t you have to trick him to kill him? I’d have to be tricked for anyone to kill me. I wouldn’t just let you do it. It’s not a fucking duel, is it. He. Was.


Am Israel Chai

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You certainly deserve more reader commentary, R.S.H.


Here, a brief history of contemporary Western Colonial Drivers . . .

The Political Economy of Genocide - https://les7eb.substack.com/p/genocide-and-economics


More generally - https://les7eb.substack.com

Free to subscribe . . .

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OT, from SONAR:

"It’s like that guy in the Bush administration – I forget who – who said that they make the reality and the rest of us have to catch up."

"That guy" is Karl Rove. 🤮

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Thank you. I saw the link from Larry Johnson by way of Pepe Escobar. I think people should read my warning essay from yesterday. Both of my substacks are free. Some may enjoy my serialized novel. Here is the warning post. https://open.substack.com/pub/heininger/p/tipping-point-how-middle-eastern?r=16lm0&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web

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