I've only read part one. It's a masterpiece with three more parts I have to read. It's the best analysis of the Mid-East I've read. Sure glad I didn't skip over this 4 part article. Now on to part 2. lol

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1. The empire has been agitating for this war for a very long time but doesn’t want to be blamed for it

2. It doesn’t matter whether the empire is capable of “winning.” War is the point, not winning. See long string of US defeats for examples

3. The axis is committed as well. They will not shrink from the fight if it escalates beyond the pinprick provocations we’ve seen so far

China and Russia have to be positively elated that this is happening. Idiots in the US are saying that Ukraine is a cheap way to disarm Russia but it’s exactly the opposite. A major war on the ME featuring the US as one side will radically alter the balance of power globally as the empire is forced to expend untold munitions. See Will Schryver’s piece on magazine depth for the reality the empires war planners face. Expect a CBG or CSG to find itself at the bottom of the ocean and about 5 minutes later Taiwan is part of China again. The exposure necessary for the US to defeat Hizbullah is insane. Ground troops? Good fucking luck landing any plane within 1000 miles of Lebanon, and amphibious assault ships? No prayer. They’ll be sunk before they can get close. Perhaps the best thing the empire could do to speed things along would be to actually start massing troops in Israel. The Axis would have to kill them and there’s your causus belli right there. I wonder how long the administration that sends the marines into that firestorm will last. And of course Iran is the wildcard here. If the US attacks Iran expect Russia to enter and then its either total defeat or escalation all the way to Armageddon for the empire.

Ok ready to read part 2...

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Great piece Richard - well researched and well presented.

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I , too have only just read through part one - much respect for having the cojones to call a spade a spade! I concur that a major escalation seems likely before the November elections in which case a ‘state of emergency’ or (gasp) Martial Law may well be declared - insuring “continuity of government” - plans for which have been in place for a while now. I’m increasingly thinking about getting into the pitchfork supply business- like selling pick and shovels to the hopeful gold miners. Thanks for your efforts RSH and stay safe!

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Great piece! Terrific analysis; this kind of work is exactly what is missing from the mainstream press and frankly most of the war "bloggers" out there.

All summer long I banged my head trying to figure out what sort of Kabuki Theater Bibi, Blinken, and those quisling Arab sellouts in Qatar were up to. They kept lying every single day about their dead dog of a ceasefire, and Bibi always played the role of Lucy to Blinken's Charlie Brown. It was perplexing because if you took the actors at face value, it made no sense. All it would take to force Netanyahu to heel would be cutting off all the military support from the Pentagon.

Or merely threatening to do so, perhaps with a few Congressional stooges trotted out to make the threat credible.

Then it dawned on me that Blinken was just a performing monkey and the whole thing was a scam. The only point was performative theater to make it appear that the US was in some sort of good faith effort trying to get a ceasefire. They never intended to get an actual ceasefire implemented.

This Kabuki Theater was to take the heat off of Biden and downplay all the protests on college campuses last spring. And to boost the Harris campaign, once it was clear that pudding-skull Joe was done as a sentient being. As long as it appeared that they were "working towards" a ceasefire, they could plausibly claim to be at least somewhat concerned about the plight of the Palestinians, even as the body count relentlessly escalated.

Of course, every theater performance has to end, eventually. The curtain appears to have come down, and now Netanyahu is talking about shit-canning Gallant (the relatively less hawkish defense minister.) Link is on Zerohedge.

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Scam... Exactly. I probably should have shortened the article by just exclaiming "scam" next to every news story about how Biden and Netanyahu are arguing with each other.

Yes, I learned from Crooke on Judge Nap that Netanyahu is getting rid of Gallant. More proof that this is going forward no matter what.

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Excellent piece Richard, it is so important to understand that Israel is simply a tool of US Imperialism and that the US needs to take out Iran before it can pivot East. The recent deeper military alliance with Russia could be game changing. The other variable is the now obvious defeat in Ukraine, the imperialists may also want another war to take the focus away from their utter failure there.

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thank you, richard. i'd been wondering how you were, if you were still in the process of dealing with your apartment problems---but no you've been busy working. good on ya.

i've wondered why you haven't posted on GlobalSouth, on the main threads or the hearty salon? amarynth & AHH, like you, have been busy helping us track what's happening.

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I have to say “Thank you!” This kept me riveted all afternoon. Of course I am despondent over the United States subservience to Israel. I do think this isn’t a done deal quite yet. I think the people yet might claim their voice and reclaim their rights,

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The best laid plans of mice and men

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I would appreciate any feedback/comments on a short substack piece I just wrote:


Dr. Rob, Karlof, any other MoA regulars or non-regulars.

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